Technical RequirementsTechnical Requirements

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​You can use Danske Bank's website, eBanking, Mobile and Tablet Bank on most computers, smartphones and tablets.
Your device must have an Internet connection. You must also be able to run the programs that support the features.

See the technical requirements for your device if you want to use eBanking, Mobile and Tablet Bank and MobilePay.


Choose deviceChoose device

If you have a smartphone, you can use the Mobile Bank app without any problems. But be aware of a number of technical requirements if you want to get the most out of our products.

We continually optimise our apps for the latest versions of the operating systems. This gives the best experience for most users. In many cases, our apps can also run on older versions of an operating system.

Operating system
The operating system requirements are:


Operating system Support
Mobile Bank iOS version 13.0​​ or newerYes

Operating system Support
Mobile Bank Android  9​.0 or newerYes

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