Danske StudieDanske Studie

As a student, at Danske Bank you will benefit from the market’s most innovative online solutions, which let you manage your banking business quickly and easily. If you need advice, you can speak with us 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. And with the Danske Hverdag+ (Danske day-to-day+) package, we have gathered the most advantageous products and services at the best student price – zero kroner.​
With Danske Studie, it is a little easier to be a student. If you are 18-32 years old and registered for an educational programme that makes you eligible for a Danish study grant, you get access to most basic banking services without fees. You can withdraw funds from other banks' ATMs with no fee and exchange foreign currency with no fee. As a student, you also get favourable interest rates on loans, credits and savings.

At Danske Bank, we have a team of advisers dedicated to serving young adults. They know all about Danish study grant rules and budgeting and can give you good advice if you want to study abroad, for example. If you need to speak with us, you can reach us by phone 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, or meet with an adviser at the branch office.

Is our customer programme right for you?
If you are buying an apartment or a house – or you have private pension savings, investments or a large loan – it may be an advantage for you to register for our customer programme.

Call us
If you are uncertain which package is appropriate for you, call us on +45 70 123 456.
Danske Bank A/S, Bernstorffsgade 40, 1577 København V. Tlf. +45 70 123 456, fax +45 70 121 080, e-mail: danskebank@danskebank.dk, CVR-nr. 61 12 62 28, SWIFT: DABADKKK
Telefonsamtaler kan blive optaget og gemt til brug for dokumentation og sikkerhed.

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