Card overviewCard overview

​With Danske Ung+, you have two different card options; a Mastercard Direct and a debit card. Go to our website to read more about our card products and the cards that become available when you turn 18.

Please contact your local branch if you want to switch cards. 

Your card optionsYour card options

Mastercard Direct
Masterc​ard Direct is an international credit card, which can be used in shops all over the world. It can also be used on the Internet.  
Debit card
With your debit card, it is easy to withdraw cash from Danske Bank’s ATMS. It is also free of charge.

Learn moreLearn more

Do you need assistance?

If you need help, have comments or want to get in touch with us, we are always available.

How to contact us
Danske Bank A/S, Bernstorffsgade 40, 1577 København V. Tlf. +45 70 123 456, fax +45 70 121 080, e-mail:, CVR-nr. 61 12 62 28, SWIFT: DABADKKK
Telefonsamtaler kan blive optaget og gemt til brug for dokumentation og sikkerhed.

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