Customise menu behaviourCustomise menu behaviour

Now you can enhance the navigation menu on this Web site by converting it to a cascading menu. A cascading menu enables you to switch quickly and easily between the items on the navigation menu on the left-hand side of the screen.

When you hold the cursor over an arrow to the right of a menu item, the submenu will appear. You will have a better overview of the menu structure, and you can go directly to items on the submenus.

A small program will be downloaded and installed on your PC. This 47 KB program can be used only with Internet Explorer on Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7.

The cascading menu is active on this PC. You can switch quickly and easily between the items on the navigation menu on the left-hand side of the screen.

When you hold the cursor over an arrow to the right of a menu item, the submenu will appear. You will have a better overview of the menu structure, and you can go directly to items on the submenus.

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