The New MasterCard

The New MasterCard

The new generation MasterCard

Credit cards issued by Danske Bank can be used as contactless cards, debit cards and credit cards, making your MasterCard suitable for everyday shopping as well as large purchases. You can use the card at most merchants in Denmark and at more than 36 million points of sales worldwide.

How the card works
You select one of three ways in which to make your payment. You can use the card as a credit card and debit card at most merchants in Denmark, for online transactions and in ATMs. Contactless payments are accepted in physical shops. Look for the small symbol at the cash register/terminal.

You must press different keys to select between credit and debit at payment terminals in shops, car parks and ATMs when you use your card from now on. When you insert your chip card in the terminal, you must follow the instructions on the screen to select between credit card and debit card.


The new MasterCard features three ways to pay.


Faster and easier payment

From now on, you can pay for your items by simply holding your card against the reader (0-3 centimetres). We call it contactless payments, which are quick, easy and secure. For purchases less than DKK 200, you don't even have to enter your PIN.

For security reasons, you may occasionally be asked to insert your chip card in the card terminal and enter your PIN, even if you make a contactless purchase for less than DKK 200.

Contactless purchases are debited directly from your salary account via your card's debit function. Look for the small contactless symbol next to the payment in your online statement of account. If your card is stolen and misused for purchases using the contactless function without a PIN, you will not be responsible for any losses incurred.


Using your MasterCard has never been easier.

Debit & Credit

Debit Cards

No fees attached
Danske Bank's credit cards also have a debit function, allowing you to use the card as a debit card when you buy groceries, for example. Purchases paid for with the debit card function are debited directly from your salary account. Merchants are not allowed to charge a fee when you pay with a debit card.

Credit Cards

Up to six weeks' interest-free credit
Du You can use the card as an ordinary credit card at merchants and at ATMs. The terminal will automatically suggest that you select the credit card function. The merchant may charge a fee for credit card purchases, provided it has clearly disclosed that it charges such fees.
Credit card transactions are settled once every month and paid on the first day of every month. You benefit from up to six weeks' interest-free credit.

Two card numbers – same PIN

Two accounts will be attached to your new card: Your MasterCard credit card account and your salary account for purchases using the contactless function and the debit card.

You can also use your MasterCard for online transactions. You select whether you want to pay using your credit card or debit card function.

The credit card number is printed on the front of the card in the same way as on your old card. The debit card number is printed on the back. Remember that you can use your MasterCard in our MobilePay app.

Your card only has one PIN even though it offers both a credit card and a debit card function.

Your new functions are available worldwide
If you come across a terminal in or outside Denmark where you cannot choose between credit and debit, the card will automatically work as an ordinary credit card.


​Enter the card into the terminal if you want to use the chip and PIN.


Choose between credit and debit when making payments.

Card Security

Easy protection of your card details

You can enable or disable use of the card in certain parts of the world and categories for which you expect to use your card. For example, you can disable use of the card for online transactions. This flexibility makes it easy for you to align the security settings to your needs and travel plans.

The changes take effect immediately, regardless of whether you make the changes yourself through mobile banking or eBanking or whether your call us from abroad. In this way, we can work together to protect your card details even better and avoid attempted misuse.

Payment by instalments

Flexible option of dividing large amounts into smaller instalments

This spring, we will be introducing “Payment by instalments” – a solution which allows you to balance your finances if, for example, you need to buy a washing machine and you have not saved money for such a purchase. If you have a MasterCard credit card, you can divide purchases of currently more than DKK 500 into 2-12 instalments – and this at a competitive interest rate. This allows you to defer the full repayment of the amount.

Payment by instalments is linked to the credit limit on your card, so you will automatically receive a new agreement with the added feature to sign when you want to pay by instalments for the first time.

On mobile phones and tablets, there will be a small symbol next to the payments on your MasterCard account that you can pay by instalments. Examples include buying a jacket, having dinner at a restaurant or ordering a holiday using the credit function of your MasterCard.

If you press the symbol for Payment by instalments, you can select how many instalments you wish to divide the amount by. The interest expenses are shown immediately when you slide between 2 and 12 instalments.

Payment by instalments will soon be available in mobile banking.


What do I do if the terminal does not let me choose between credit card and debit card?
Your MasterCard is a credit card with additional functions. This means that the terminal will always suggest that you pay with the credit card – also if you do not have a choice.
How does the merchant know whether it can charge a fee when I use my MasterCard?
The chip in your card will tell the terminal whether you are using the debit or credit function, so this is done automatically. As the card is new to the merchants, your receipt may say that you have paid with a credit card even if you chose the debit card function.
How do I order a card?
Click the link to the card overview, where you can read about the different payment cards offered by Danske Bank. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are in doubt.
If I walk by a contactless terminal at a supermarket, do I risk that an amount is withdrawn from my card?
You must actively hold the card against the terminal, so no amount will be drawn if you simply walk by a terminal There is a small antenna in the terminal and a small transmitter in your card, and they must be within 0 and 3 centimetres from each other for you to make the payment.
There is a contactless symbol on the terminal, but nothing is happening – why is that?
Many merchants have acquired new terminals with the contactless function, but it takes time for them to get the terminal and the cash register to interact properly. You can always ask at the merchant whether you can use contactless payment.
If I'm unable to find my card, should I then block it or can I use “Card Security”?
You should start by disabling all parts of the world and categories while you look for your card. You can easily enable it again when you find it. If the card is indeed lost or it has been stolen, you should block it via eBanking or by calling +45 70 123 456 and order a new card.
Should I select credit card and debit card with the same keys on all types of terminals?
The terminal will always suggest credit card as your choice. If you wish to select debit card, follow the instructions on the terminal screen. These instructions vary from one type of terminal to the next.
Danske Bank A/S, Bernstorffsgade 40, 1577 København V. Tlf. +45 70 123 456, fax +45 70 121 080, e-mail:, CVR-nr. 61 12 62 28, SWIFT: DABADKKK
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