Some 82 Danske Invest funds and sub-funds have been awarded the European sustainability label LuxFLAG ESG across Denmark, Luxembourg and Finland. Such a large range of funds being awarded the certification underlines how sustainability is an integrated and significant aspect of Danske Invest’s work with its funds.

“We have over a number of years developed a strong process for integrating sustainability into our investment processes in Danske Invest’s funds. Being the fund manager in Europe with most LuxFLAG ESG-labelled funds underscores just how far we have come in our work with sustainable investments,” Robert Mikkelstrup, CEO of Danske Invest.

Complying with extensive sustainability requirements

The LuxFLAG ESG label is the oldest sustainability certification in Europe and is known for having extensive sustainability requirements. More than 65 Nordic, European and global asset managers have the label.

The LuxFLAG ESG labels show that Danske Invest’s funds comply with numerous criteria, including sustainability being an integrated aspect of the entire investment process, that there are company dialogues and votes on sustainability issues at AGMs and that investment restrictions are applied.

You can read more about the LuxFLAG ESG label here.

See the full list of LuxFLAG ESG-certified funds here.