Danske Eksklusiv+

The most benefits and the best prices for people with a large volume of business with us.

Your benefits

As a Danske Eksklusiv+ customer, you get personal advisory services, the most benefits and the best prices.

Danske Hverdag+ (Danske day-to-day+) at no charge

  • Two cards with no annual fees. Choose between Visa/Dankort or MasterCard Direct*
  • MasterCard Basis with no annual fees*
  • Multiple accounts
  • Danske eBanking, mobile banking and tablet banking with no annual fees
  • Payments and transfers in eBanking, mobile banking and tablet banking with no fee (in DKK to accounts in Denmark)
  • Foreign exchange for travel with no fee

Transfer your private pension account with no fee

You can transfer your private pension accounts to Danske Bank and Danica Pension (Balance, Link and Select). We cover the standard repurchase fee (usually DKK 1,400-1,800 per account). We do not cover special fees and surrender fees.

Voucher for home purchase or sale

If you want to sell your home or buy a new home, we give you a voucher for the home real estate agency chain. The voucher offers a DKK 5,000 discount if you are selling and a DKK 1,000 discount if you opt for home’s Buyer Advisory Services.

Discount on new mortgage loan

You get a 25% discount on the loan processing fee, debt assumption and registration service when you get a new loan from Realkredit Danmark.

Personal adviser

You get your own personal adviser, access to NetMeeting, specialist advisory services, including in the evenings and on weekends, and personal customer service 24 hours a day. When you call, you get fast track access.

Transfer your mortgage loan with no fee

You can transfer your mortgage loan to Realkredit Danmark with no fee. The fee exemption does not apply to price deductions and surcharges, however.

Favourable interest rates on loans

You get an opportunity for the most favourable interest rates on loans (depending on Danske Bank's assessment of your creditworthiness and other factors)

Opportunity for Boliglån Plus and Andelsboliglån Plus

Boliglån Plus (home loan plus) and Andelsboliglån Plus (cooperative loan plus) offer a combination of a loan and a deposit account. You get the same interest rate on the deposit account balance as you pay on the loan (up to the outstanding balance on the loan).

Health care advisory service

You get access to Danica Pension's advisory service on using the public health care system (including use by family members).

Access to Danske NetMeeting

Danske NetMeeting give you the opportunity to meet with your adviser online and get advice on home financing, investing, pensions and other matters.

Access to expense overview in Danske eBanking

The expense overview in Danske eBanking gives you a summary of the cash flows in and out of your account.

* Depending on the Bank's assessment of your creditworthiness and other factors.

It's easy to register for the customer programme


  Danske Hverdag+
Standard prices
Price for the first account per quarter DKK 0 DKK 30
Price for the second account per quarter DKK 0 DKK 15
Price for additional accounts – per account per quarter DKK 0 DKK 15
MasterCard Direct – annual fee DKK 0 DKK 100
Visa/Dankort – annual fee DKK 0 DKK 150
Danske eBanking, mobile banking and tablet banking DKK 0 DKK 100
MasterCard Basis – annual fee DKK 0 DKK 150
Payments and transfers in eBanking (in DKK to accounts in Denmark) DKK 0 DKK 2
Foreign exchange for travel DKK 0 DKK 40
Kortstop (card-blocking) agreement DKK 0 DKK 100

Prices and terms

Danske Eksklusiv+

You can be a Danske Eksklusiv+ customer if you have loans, savings and other business for more than DKK 2,000,000 with Danske Bank Group. It does not cost anything.

Danske Hverdag+

There is currently no charge for Danske Hverdag+ when you are a Danske Eksklusiv+ customer

For Danske Hverdag+, the applicable prices appear on the price list describing the prices and services included in the agreement.

Danske Bank A/S, Bernstorffsgade 40, 1577 København V. Tlf. +45 70 123 456, fax +45 70 121 080, e-mail: danskebank@danskebank.dk, CVR-nr. 61 12 62 28, SWIFT: DABADKKK
Telefonsamtaler kan blive optaget og gemt til brug for dokumentation og sikkerhed.

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Klageansvarlig afdeling: Danske Bank, Juridisk Afdeling, Bernstorffsgade 40, 1577 København V.
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