Danske StudieDanske Studie

As a student, at Danske Bank you will benefit from the market’s most innovative online solutions, which let you manage your banking business quickly and easily. If you need advice, you can speak with us 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. And with the Danske Hverdag+ (Danske day-to-day+) package, we have gathered the most advantageous products and services at the best student price – zero kroner.​

If you are registered in an educational programme that makes you eligible for a Danish study grant, you get Danske Hverdag+ at no charge. Here you can see what you save in comparison with Danske Hverdag and our other standard prices.

  Danske Hverdag   Danske Hverdag+  Standard prices
Price for first account per quarter
Price for second account per quarter

DKK 0 
DKK 0 

 DKK 0  

DKK 30
DKK 15

Price for additional accounts per quarter

DKK 15 


DKK 15  

Mastercard Direct – annual fee*

DKK 0 

DKK 0  

DKK 100  

Visa/Dankort – annual fee* 


DKK 0  

DKK 150  

Danske eBanking, mobile banking and tablet banking  

DKK 0 

DKK 0  

DKK 100  

Mastercard Basis – annual fee

DKK 150

DKK 0  

DKK 150  

Payments and transfers in eBanking (in DKK to accounts in Denmark)

   DKK 0 

DKK 0  

DKK 2  

Foreign exchange for travel 

   DKK 40 

DKK 0  

DKK 40  

Indboforsikring (household contents and liability insurance) per month** 

   DKK 99

DKK 99


Ulykkesforsikring Ung (accident insurance) per month***

From DKK 49

From DKK 49  


Price per month
With Danske 18-27
With Danske Studie


DKK 0 
DKK 0 

DKK 10


* If you choose Danske Hverdag, you can choose between Mastercard Direct and Visa/Dankort. Otherwise, the price list applies.
** Ask your adviser about cover, deductible and supplementary insurance.
*** Ask your adviser about the degree of injury, cover and insured sum upon death.


Danske Bank A/S, Bernstorffsgade 40, 1577 København V. Tlf. +45 70 123 456, fax +45 70 121 080, e-mail: danskebank@danskebank.dk, CVR-nr. 61 12 62 28, SWIFT: DABADKKK
Telefonsamtaler kan blive optaget og gemt til brug for dokumentation og sikkerhed.

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