List of fees and chargesList of fees and charges

Prices as of May 1, 2015

You can also look in the price booklet (in Danish).

Agreement fees

Danske eBanking personal agreement (incl. associations)
- Danske Hverdag og Danske Hverdag+

DKK 150.00
DKK 0.00

Danske eBanking Business agreement (incl. associations)

DKK 750.00

Danske eBanking Business agreement, user agreement No. 2

DKK 750.00

Danske eBanking Business agreement, change of user

DKK 750.00
per change

Advanced investing in eBanking, personal agreement*

DKK 75.00
per month

* Trial period of first two months is free of charge.

Security solutions

NemID - code card with 148 single-use codes. To be used in combination with user ID and password

DKK 0.00

Fees for payments and transfers

Transfer of funds between own accounts with Danske Bank

DKK 0.00

Transfer of funds between own accounts with foreign branches of the Danske Bank Group

DKK 0.00

Transfer of funds to third-party accounts with Danske Bank and other banks
- Corporate customers, Danske Hverdag og Danske Hverdag+

DKK 5.00

DKK 0.00

Standing order for the transfer of funds between your own accounts with Danske Bank

DKK 0.00
​Standing order for the transfer of funds to other accounts with Danske Bank or other banks
- Corporate customers, Danske Hverdag og Danske Hverdag+  
DKK 5.00

DKK 0.00​
​Payment form and Elektronisk Indbetalingskort (electronic payment form)
- Corporate customers, Danske Hverdag og Danske Hverdag+
DKK 5.00​

DKK 0.00
​Message accompanying transfers and payment forms:
​- Message to payer

DKK 10.00​

Account balance service, e-mail, per message

DKK 0.00

Account balance service, text (sms), per text message

DKK 0.00


Fees for cross-border payments*

Ordinary transfer**

DKK 50.00

Express transfer, no currency exchange**

DKK 300.00

Express transfer, currency exchange**

DKK 400.00

Additional fee - receiving bank's costs (payer pays all transfer costs)

DKK 200.00

Cheque, sent by the Danske Bank – DKK

DKK 150.00
Cheque to be picked-up in Danske Bank DKK 350.00

* See also fees for cross-border payments: Terms and conditions for transfers to and from Denmark (consumers)

Brokerage rates for securities trading

Danish bonds*

0.10% of market value (min. DKK 29)

Listed and unlisted Danish shares* / **

0.15% of market value (min. DKK 29)

Non-Danish shares

- Sweden, Norway and Finland

0.15% of market value (min. DKK 29)

- Europe and North America***

0.60% of market value (min. DKK 149)

Unit trust certificates**

Based on shares - Danske Invest

0.15% of market value (min. DKK 0)

Based on shares - Other Danish unit trusts

0.15% of market value (min. DKK 29)

Based on bonds - Danske Invest

0.10% of market value (min. DKK 0)

Based on bonds - Other Danish unit trusts

0.10% of market value (min. DKK 29)

Based on mixed assets - Danske Invest

0.15% of market value (min. DKK 0)

Based on mixed assets - Other Danish unit trusts

0.15% of market value (min. DKK 29)

* For average price trades, we charge a margin on the trading price.
** Plus trading costs charged by Dansk AMP or Dansk OTC.
*** Currently Belgium, the UK, France, the Netherlands, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, Spain, Germany, Canada and USA (NYSE and NASDAQ).

Fees for real-time prices – personal

OMX (Copenhagen, Stockholm and Helsinki Stock Exchange), five levels

EUR 5 per month

Oslo Stock Exchange, five levels

NOK 100 per month
Investering Extra: OMX Stock Exchanges * DKK 250 per month


Danske Investering Online

OMX (Copenhagen, Stockholm and Helsinki Stock Exchange), five levels

EUR 0 per month

Advanced investing in eBanking, personal agreement

DKK 0 per month

Monthly fee

DKK 100


Brokerage scale
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Average price, all trades brokerage
DKK 29
Sweden, Norway and Finland
DKK 29
Europe and North America**
DKK 149
Unit trust units - based on shares
Danske Invest and BG Invest
Other Danish unit trusts
DKK 29
Monthly volume in DKK 1,000
over 400

* Plus trading costs charged by Dansk AMP or Dansk OTC.
** Currently Belgium, the UK, France, the Netherlands, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, Spain, Germany, Canada and USA (NYSE and NASDAQ).

Read more about the brokerage scale at Danske Investment Online.

By trading securities online, you obtain substantial savings over our normal prices.

Only fees and charges to Danske Bank are listed.
Please see the brochure Betingelser for handel med værdipapirer (in Danish) which is also available at our branches. The document is in PDF format. To read it, you need Adobe Reader, which can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe.


Danske Bank A/S, Bernstorffsgade 40, 1577 København V. Tlf. +45 70 123 456, fax +45 70 121 080, e-mail:, CVR-nr. 61 12 62 28, SWIFT: DABADKKK
Telefonsamtaler kan blive optaget og gemt til brug for dokumentation og sikkerhed.

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