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Why does Danske Bank ask District users to provide proof of identity?

At Danske Bank, we are very focused on fighting financial crime, and this also affects you as a customer. Like all other banks, we are under an obligation to comply with the Danish Anti-Money Laundering Act (Hvidvaskloven). This requires us to be able to document to the authorities that we know who our customers are and understand how they use Danske Bank.

With our former District user registration process, we were unable to meet these requirements because it was possible to create a new user without Danske Bank knowing the user’s identity. We believe that this set-up exposes both our customers and us to considerable risk.

With our new process, we will become even better at ensuring that both we and our customers always know who is authorised to operate our customers’ accounts. This will give us a better chance to reveal fraud – and thereby also provide a more secure system to our customers.

Q&A regarding the uploading of documentation

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