Cost calculator

If you want to know what it will cost to use your card to pay an amount in a European currency other than Danish kroner, you can use our Cost calculator.

You can use the calculator to get an estimate of currency conversion costs before you make a transaction. The calculator uses the reference rate of the European Central Bank (the ECB). In this calculation the currency conversion costs mean the difference between the Mastercard / Visa Wholesale rate (including the mark-up) and the reference rate of ECB. You will get the difference in per cent as well as in Danish kroner.

Cost calculator

You can use the calculator to get an estimate of currency conversion costs before you make a transaction. The calculator uses the reference rate of the European Central Bank (the ECB). In this calculation the currency conversion costs mean the difference between the Mastercard / Visa Wholesale rate (including the mark-up) and the reference rate of ECB. You will get the difference in per cent as well as in Danish kroner.



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ECB reference rate

The ECB publishes reference rates for the following European currencies once a day: CHF, CZK, DKK, EUR, HUF, ISK, NOK, PLN, SEK, BGN, HRK, RON. The rates are not intended to be used in market transactions, but are published for information purposes only.


The European Central Bank (ECB) is the central bank of the eurozone. The ECB is responsible, among other things, for the euro and sets and implements the monetary policy that determines the value of the euro together with the national central banks of the eurozone countries.

Read more about card payments abroad

The EU Cross-Border Payments regulation requires all banks to inform their customers of the charges they pay when they use their cards to make payments in another currency in the EU and in Norway, Lichtenstein and Iceland (the EEA countries). The regulation aims to ensure greater transparency for customers on certain charges for card transactions in the European Economic Area (EEA).

  • Why do you get a text message about the currency margin?

    We are obliged to inform you about the difference between the exchange rate applied and the exchange rate set by the European Central Bank in per cent.

    You will receive a text message if you have a credit card, a payment card or a corporate card with personal liability and we have your mobile phone number. You can always update your mobile phone number via Danske Mobile Banking or Danske eBanking.

    Parents of a child under the age of 18 will also receive a text message when the child’s card is used for payments.

  • Why do you get a text message?

    Danske Bank is required to inform you about our mark-up when you use your card abroad to make a payment in an EEA* currency.
  • Why can there be a difference between the mark-up stated in the text message and that stated in the price list?

    The ECB rate is a reference rate and not the rate used by Danske Bank for card transactions.

    We use MasterCard and Visa rates for conversion of card payments (depending on the card you use), and you may therefore find that there is a small difference between the mark-up stated in our text message and the mark-up stated in our price list. There are no changes to fees and charges.

    Please note that exchange rates change on an ongoing basis, so the rate may have changed when your payment is booked.

  • What does the message contain?

    The text message contains information about the mark-up you pay to us when you make a payment in an EEA* currency. The mark-up is stated as the percentage mark-up over the European Central Bank (ECB) reference rate.

  • When will you receive a text message?

    You will receive a text message the first time you use your card to make a payment (at a physical point of sale or online) or an ATM withdrawal in an EU/EEA currency other than Danish kroner.

    Once you have received the first text message, you will not receive additional messages over the next 30 days if you make further payments or ATM withdrawals in the same currency using the same card.

    You will receive the text message as soon as Danske Bank has approved the transaction. If you have the option of paying in Danish kroner or the local currency, and you choose Danish kroner, you will not receive a text message from Danske Bank. If you pay in Danish kroner, the payment recipient/ATM owner will do the currency conversion, and you may have pay a higher exchange rate mark-up.

  • Can I unsubscribe for these text messages?

    Yes, you can stop receiving the text messages by sending a text message with the text “STOPCCY” to 3326.

    If you opt out of receiving the text messages, this applies to all cards issued to you by Danske Bank.

    You can always re-register for the service by sending a text message with the text "STARTCCY" to 3326.

    *EEA currencies: CHF, CZK, DKK, NOK, EUR, SEK, BGN, HUF, ISK, PLN, HRK, RON

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