Top tips for protecting your business from financial crime

  1. Be wary of unsolicited phone calls, emails and text messages. Educate all employees about being careful if they are asked to disclose confidential or personal information over the phone, by text message or email – even if a request seems genuine. Make sure that confidential information is shared only via safe and secure channels such as eBanking or District.Top tips for protecting your business from financial crime
  2. Consider investing in cyber insurance and online banking insurance. Protect your business with cyber insurance coverage, which will provide you with expert help if you become victim of a cyberattack. Make sure your insurance policies cover cyber theft/digital burglary committed via eBanking or District. You can protect your business and get good advice with Tryg’s cyber insurance and eBanking insurance.
  3. Conduct thorough due diligence checks of business relationships to mitigate risks. Ensure your business has a standard due diligence process in place for checking business relationships, such as those with vendors and customers. And make sure that the due diligence checks your business carries out on international trading partners is as thorough as the ones for domestic partners.
  4. Check that all the information stated in payment transfers is correct before you proceed. For cross-border transfers, remember also to check the SWIFT address, the currency code, details of the receiver and country. Never make a payment or transfer that you are uncertain about. Have payment processes in place to ensure secure invoicing and payments, and also make sure that your business has documented and approved lists for vendors and customers.
  5. Carry out a risk assessment. Be aware of the threat landscape and identify vulnerabilities and financial crime risks in your business. This brochure details a wide range of potential financial crime risk scenarios and explains how to mitigate the risks for your business.
  6. Have clear policies and educate employees about the threats of financial crime. Have clearly documented procedures for training and for processes that involve access to the business’s finances and confidential data so that every employee knows how to handle related requests securely.


Exposed to fraud? Read more about how to report fraud or contact us immediately if you suspect fraud.

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