Identification documents and documentation related to your company

Why do we need information about your company’s use of the bank, as well as identification documents with image and address?

We need some information about you and your company in order to have a clear picture of the company and its current situation and needs. When we have that, we have a good point of departure that allows us to offer the best counselling. The information are necessary for us to comply with the demands that exist for us as a bank to get properly acquainted with our customers.

As a customer, you will therefore experience that we will ask you questions about:

  • How your company will use our banking services
  • Whether the company will transfer money to foreign accounts
  • Whether the company has many cash payments

All of the information you provide us with will naturally be handled in absolute confidence.

Even if your company might have been a customer of ours for several years, you can experience that we will contact you and ask you about the company’s activity with the bank. The reason for this is that we have ongoing follow-ups on our customers to ensure that our information is correct and up-to-date.

Upload your identification documents and documentation related to your company by pushing the button below. We thank you for your assistance.


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