On January 24, the renowned EuroHedge Fund took place in London. At the award show, “Danske Invest Hedge Fixed Income Strategies” won the title as the best hedge fund over the last 10 years in the category “Macro, Fixed Income & Relative Value”. 

The fund is quite a success story as the fund have achieved a positive return each year for the past ten years – in seven of those years the return have been in double-digits.   

Head of Hedge Funds in Danske Bank, Michael Petry is delighted with winning the award and gives due credit to the entire team: 

“We are working our best to deliver good returns for our customers and the award is a great recognition of the work we do. To have a hedge fund that deliver such a great result through a period of 10 years is something to be very proud of.” 

The team behind the award-winning fund (from left): Michael Petry, Carsten Cilieborg, Tom Rosenkrans and Thomas Ryaa.

The future of alternative investments in Danske Bank
Alternative investments such as hedge funds is an area in which Danske Bank has increased its focus over the past couple of years. This focus will of course continue, meaning that hedge funds will continue to be a central part in the investment portfolios we offer our customers. 

“Hedge funds are a slightly overlooked asset class in many investor portfolios in general, even though they have some attractive characteristics. We however, believe that hedge funds can be the key to deliver reasonable returns,” says Henrik Gade Jepsen, Head of Investments & Solutions in Danske Bank.  

Henrik Gade Jepsen further explains:  

“Our competencies within hedge funds are a central part of our strategic goal to deliver first-class investment components. We strongly believe that alternative investments will be an increasingly important asset class if we are to ensure stable and attractive risk-adjusted returns for our customers in the future. This is truly a great achievement by the team.”

If you are interested in knowing more about alternative investment such as hedge funds or need any other help with you portfolio, please do not hesitate to contact your client manager. 

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Disclaimer: Danske Bank has prepared this material for information purposes only, and it does not constitute investment advice. Always speak to an advisor if you are considering making an investment based on this material to establish whether a particular investment suits your investment profile, including your risk appetite, investment horizon and ability to absorb a loss.