Our offerings

Asset management with a Nordic touch.

We offer a broad range of strategies and products encompassing equity, fixed income, portfolio solutions and alternatives – and our approach is shaped by our Nordic heritage:
  • Quality and stability are core values for us.
  • We aim to be a market leader in responsible investments.
  • Risk management pervades everything we do and is based on our advanced proprietary risk model, which we have been developing for more than 15 years.
Regardless of the scope and complexity of your investment requirements, we can find the right solution – together. Furthermore, we have decades of experience servicing financial intermediaries with a wide range of relevant funds.
“At Danske Bank Asset Management, we focus strongly on our areas of expertise, where we are best equipped to create value for our clients.”
Christian Heiberg, Head of Danske Bank Asset Management.

Core areas of expertise

Brief overview of our strategies and products.


Years of experience have enabled us to build a wide range of relevant equity strategies managed by a stable core of seasoned portfolio managers.

We focus strongly on our areas of expertise, where we are best equipped to create value for our clients – particularly strategies within Nordic equities, but also other selected areas, such as European small cap and high dividend equities. Our portfolio teams follow fundamental bottom-up strategies and are supported by our internal quant, risk and macro analysts.

As well as our actively managed strategies, we have extensive expertise with tailormade index strategies.
The vast majority of our strategies and products either promote environmental or social characteristics or have sustainable investment objectives – thus complying with respectively article 8 and article 9 of the of the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation.

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