How we work with sustainability

We aim to be a market leader in responsible investments and can provide tailormade solutions.


At Danske Bank Asset Management, our approach to responsible investments is based on two essential pillars:

  • We aim to protect the value of investments and generate attractive returns.
  • We aim to analyse and assess the impacts that investments have on environmental and other societal dimensions. 
The tools we use
Our investment teams analyse environmental, social and governance factors, employ active ownership and apply screening to manage sustainability risks – which in turn helps us to identify attractive investment opportunities.
  • We screen the investment universe to identify and mitigate sustainability risks.
  • We analyse environmental, social and governance factors to manage and mitigate risks and make the best possible investment decisions for the benefit of our customers.
  • We engage in dialogue with companies and vote at general meetings to influence their behaviour, support sustainable development and manage sustainability risks.
“A strong focus on sustainability-related issues is deeply rooted in our approach to investments. It is our firm belief that, in the long run, sustainability and attractive returns are closely connected.”
Thomas Otbo, CIO at Danske Bank Asset Management.
Our work with responsible investments is underpinned by clear policies, instructions, guidelines and reporting. Furthermore, our investment teams are backed by our Responsible Investment team, data from external data providers and our proprietary sustainability-related analytical tool, mDASH®.

Danske Bank Asset Management has joined a number of industry initiatives that promote responsible investment, including the UNPRI and the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative.

Read more about responsible investments at Danske Bank

Sustainability-related disclosures


We have vast experience in providing tailormade solutions to clients with specific wishes and requirements regarding sustainability-related issues – and we are always eager to engage in dialogue about the options available.

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