Sustainability-related information in respect to our Balanced Model Portfolios

On this site you are able to find information on how our model portfolios targeting private and institutional clients promote environmental and/or social characteristics and take good governance practices into consideration.

  • In the document “SFDR Annex” you are able to find more on the environmental and/or social characteristics in place for the standardised portfolio solutions.
  • In the document “Website Sustainability Related Disclosures” you are able to find more information on how the environmental and/or social characteristics are further promoted, ongoing monitoring and due diligence, data sources.

While the model portfolios constitute standardised product solutions, any commitment in respect to the promotion of the specific characteristics stated in documents on this site is subject to client agreements and will be outlined in client individual annexes to the pre-contractual documentation.

Information relevant to these individual agreements as provided for in the contractual annexes and reporting is not shared on this website due to duties of confidentiality owed to our clients.


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