Responsible Investment

Responsible Investment is a cornerstone in our ambition to be recognised as the most trusted financial partner. We are committed to responsible investment practices and believe that integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) perspectives in our investment process is key to sustainable value creation for companies, investors and societies. Based on this core belief, we consider ESG to be one of the important value drivers in our investment process, similar to the way we look at financials or market momentum.

Read more about our Responsible Investment Policy on Danske Bank’s website

How we work

Our Responsible Investing approach stands on a solid foundation with several building blocks to help us invest in a manner that provides our customers attractive solutions, products, and returns in a sustainable manner. Our commitment to responsible investments can at times create dilemmas. We aim to be open about these and collaborate with customers and stakeholders to find the best possible solutions.

Read more about how we work with responsible investments on our Danske Bank Group’s website.

Or learn more in our Sustainable Investment Policy

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