Be Safe – Protect your business from financial crime

Protecting your business against financial crime is a complex task. You need to remain vigilant, take precautions and have proper compliance procedures in place.

This site will guide you through the most common financial crime risks and explain what to be aware of to enable you to manage these risks.

Find our top six tips for protecting your business from financial crime


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Managing financial crime risks

  • Using corporate cards or digital payments

    Know how to keep your business protected in the following situations:

    • using a corporate card at a physical point of sale
    • making payments and transfers
    • making online purchases
    • spotting and unusual transaction
    • receiving emails, text messages and phone calls

    Find useful tips to help your business detect and avoid becoming a victim of financial crime

    Read more on our cards and digital payments site, where you can also find tips to protect your business from financial crime when employees use corporate cards or make digital payments and transfers. The site also explains the financial crime risks that your business is exposed to when making payments.

  • Doing business internationally

    Doing business internationally comes with additional financial crime risks, so you should be even more vigilant in order to protect your business

    • International partners can be tricky to verify. You should always ensure that you carry out a thorough due diligence review on potential and existing trading partners.
    • When buying, selling or transacting with international parties, be aware of any embargos and sanctions. These may change often, especially in unstable international political climates. It is your responsibility to avoid breaches of these international laws. Read more about sanctions here.
    • We might need to contact you with further questions when you transfer money abroad. This is to ensure that we are managing Danske Bank’s international risk exposure.
    • If your business uses District and you send a payment abroad as an express payment, you can follow the payment to the recipient with our track-and-trace function. The function enables you to see the status of the payment and check for yourself that it has arrived.
    • Doing business internationally increases fraud risks because face-to-face communication is often limited. So you should always take precautions when you deal with international partners.
  • Being online

    Managing cyber risks is important for every business. If cyber risks are not addressed properly, the business faces a risk of cyber criminals stealing confidential data and financial resources. At worst, the business may even face the risk of having to terminate activity as a result of a serious cyberattack.


    On our cybersecurity site, you can find more information on what you can do to ensure that your business’s cybersecurity is at its highest level.

  • Experiencing growth and managing internal processes

    Experiencing growth comes with financial crime risks. As well as following general advice, carrying out a risk assessment is critical to mitigating the financial crime risks your business faces – irrespective of its size.

    Carry out a risk assessment – some of the risk factors your assessment should cover

    • Growth – more employees and stakeholders means more people who can fail to detect signs of financial crime 
    • International exposure – international relations broaden your business’s exposure to new types of financial crime
    • Diversified profile and sectors – dealing with many industries makes your business more complex, and new types of financial crime can find their way through this complexity

    Tips for the types of processes and activities that should be covered by procedural documentation in your business

    • Due diligence processes – how to verify vendors and other business associates
    • Documented supplier overview – which business relationships have undergone a due diligence review and are known to be a trusted party
    • Clear procedures for payments and transfers. Read more on our card and digital payments site.
    • Implement a ‘four eyes’ control review. Consider who monitors whom in the business, and map their individual risk of overseeing red flags. (Segregation of duties when the business is growing)
    • To protect your business's data, limit employee’s access to ensure they only have access to data and systems that are necessary for their daily work
    • Increase knowledge of threats such as fraud types
    • IT security policies. Read more on our cybersecurity site.

    If the business faces several risk factors such as exponential growth, has international exposure and operates in highly regulated industries, the need for consulting services or investment in dedicated professionals for the areas should be considered. Small businesses face fewer risks and controlling processes in these businesses is often easier –large businesses need clearer documentation and stricter control of processes.

Financial crime risk types

How our responsibility as a bank affects you as a customer

Preventing and fighting financial crime are two essential tasks that every responsible financial institution must perform. 

That is why we at Danske Bank have both an obligation and a commitment to comply with Danish and international anti-money laundering legislation and regulations and to fight money laundering and fraud against banks and customers. 

Among other things, this means that we continuously update our knowledge of our customers and their use of our products and services, carefully monitor transactions and cooperate closely with authorities in and outside Denmark.

Disclaimer: The content of the above is not, and should not be considered as, a substitute for legal advice.

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