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Why we ask questions and request proof of identity

Financial crime prevention and control is an essential part of being a responsible financial institution.

Danske Bank is therefore committed to and focused on complying with Danish and international anti-money laundering legislation and anti-fraud measures against banks and customers.

This means, among other things, that we regularly update our knowledge about our customers and their use of our products and services, closely monitor transactions and cooperate closely with both Danish and foreign authorities.

When we know how you – and all our other customers – use our products and services, we are better able to

  • spot criminal behaviour
  • combat money laundering, financing of terrorism and other financial crime
  • assist the authorities in Denmark and abroad

We understand that you may feel inconvenienced or even irritated when we ask you to provide information and/or a copy of proof of identity.

But just as airport security checks ensure that all travellers can enjoy a safe flight, it is both necessary and in the best interest of us all that we comply with the regulations and keep the information we have about our customers up to date.

What do we need to know about your business?

How your business will use our products and services

You may find that we regularly ask about the products and services your business expects to use with us as well as your expectations for payments to and from the business’s accounts. This may include:

  • total incoming and outgoing payments
  • payments to and from other countries
  • cash deposits and disbursements

How the business’s activities are structured

We also need to understand your business model. Here we may, for example, ask about the industry in which the business operates, who the business’s customers and suppliers are and which channels the business uses to sell goods or services – whether, for example, this concerns in-store or online sales.

Depending on the business’s industry, size and complexity, we may also ask about its group structure and organisation, about the countries in which the business operates as well as about ownership and tax matters.

Identity and proof of identity

We are obliged to document the identity of our customers.

We are required to know the business’s CVR number and any foreign company or organisation numbers – also called ‘national identifiers’.

For our business customers – depending on their ownership and management structure as well as national affiliation – this also means that we may ask about proof of identity, citizenship and tax matters for the business’s owners, management, authorised signatories and any mandate holders.


Got more questions?  

Contact us on +45 45 12 58 83

Opening hours Monday-Friday 9-16

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