Financial markets faced a tough year in 2018. We saw several periods of falling share prices, while rising interest rates led to falling bond prices.
On the share markets, a number of uncertainties overshadowed the good performance of the world economy and corporate earnings. The US-China trade war, uncertainty over climbing US interest rates and Brexit all triggered apprehension.
From 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018, Danish shares fell by 9.85%, European shares fell by 10.7% and US shares fell by 0.4%. These price declines impacted investments globally, with widespread negative returns.

Many of 2018's market uncertainties are still present, but in 2019 we expect better returns, as the global economy remains strong and because we are basically still in an economic upturn.
New glossaryThe price you pay for managing your investments consists of various costs and fees. If you have any doubts about the meaning of certain words and concepts in your investment report, please refer to the glossary here.
Also, remember that you can always see the return on your investments in Danske Netbank.