Request an individual review

Property Registration Number:

Below, you can see the property registration number(s) affected by the errors and for which we will pay or already have paid you compensation. You can request an individual review of your case for each individual property registration number. Before you request an individual review, it is important that you read the letter you have received for the property registration number in question. This letter explains what requesting an individual review entails.

On this page, you can request an individual review in relation to the compensation you will receive or already have received from us.

To request an individual review, please fill in the fields below and an approve using your MitID. We will process your case as quickly as possible. However, you should expect a longer than usual processing time before you receive the result of the individual review.

We cannot see your information

Sorry! We are unable to see your information and therefore cannot display the page. Please note that you will not be able to see your property registration number(s) until you have received the letter about compensation.

Please call us on 45 12 58 88

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

We need your email address so that we can send you confirmation that we have received your request.

At you can read a description of:

  • the model we have used to calculate compensation
  • what an individual review entails
  • the errors in our debt collection systems

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Realkredit Danmark A/S · Lersø Parkallé 100 · 2100 København Ø
Telefon: 70 12 53 00 · Email:
CVR-nr: 13 39 91 74 · LEI: 549300NLOMBOWE943Y30

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