Consider using a buyer adviser if you want to be sure that you have professional support when you are buying a new home.
Some estate agents offer Buyer Advisory Services to home buyers. The purpose is to ensure that you as buyer have the same professional support as the seller usually gets from the estate agent.
The buyer adviser will guide you safely through all the legal paperwork connected with a property transaction – and he or she can also help you negotiate the price of the home if you would like that. This can give you extra security when you make the big investment that buying a new home often is.
A buyer adviser can also help you find homes that meet your requirements – and once you have found the right home, advice from a building surveyor or an architect may be included in the service.
Save DKK 1,000 on home Buyer Advisory Services
As a Danske Bank customer, you can save DKK 1,000 on home Buyer Advisory Services with the home estate agency chain.
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