Use this secure connection

   Klik her for dansk.

When handling the estate of a deceased person, sensitive information will often be exchanged.

We therefore recommend that you always contact us via Submit information below. This is a secure connection to Danske Bank.

Among other things, you can get an overview of all accounts, sell securities, transfer funds from one account to another or order eBanking.

You are always welcome to call us on +45 45 13 93 33 if you have questions.

*Mandatory field

Information about the deceased

Your details

 Please fill in your CPR number without a hyphen. The CPR number must contain 10 digits. If you do not have a Danish CPR number, enter your date of birth (ddmmyyyy).

   We ask you to give us your email address and phone number in case we need clarification of your request and to inform you once the request is complete.
If you do not have an email address please write:

Caution! If you have not previously sent us the following documents, please attach:

1: Probate Certificate
2: Power of attorney(s)
3: Proof of identity for alle beneficiaries, unless Power of Attorney has been given. In that case we only need proof of identity from the Power of Attorney. Please be advised, that if there are pensions in the estate or it is not a Danish estate, then we request proof of identity for all beneficiaries.

This is necessary before we can pass information from the estate.

Click on the grey fields below and fill out the information that is relevant to the inheritance settlement.


Remember to select the services you need:

When an account is closed, we will send you a final account statement.

 An account number must consist of 10 digits. Use zero in front if you need to provide an account number with fewer digits.
 An account number must consist of 10 digits. Use zero in front if you need to provide an account number with fewer digits.
This is only possible if you as a spouse are already a customer of Danske Bank.
If you are a mandate holder and require access to the accounts of the estate via eBanking, please submit two pieces of ID: one with a photo and one stating your address.

If you require account statements dating back further than the year before the year in which the death occurred, a fee is payable.
Our processing fee is DKK 1,000 per hour. The minimum fee charged is DKK 250.
Please note that when you order account statements dating back further than the year before the year in which the death occurred, you accept to pay the processing fee.
Avoid the fee – use Danske eBanking
Note: If you have access to the accounts of the estate via Danske eBanking, you can download account statements up to one year before the date of death for free.

Please remember to attach signed bill(s) to be paid before you submit information. Simply use the Attach function at the bottom of the form.

Note: If you have already paid the bill, please go to Transfer amount.

If you want to close an account of the estate, use the Close account function.

 An account number must consist of 10 digits. Use zero in front if you need to provide an account number with fewer digits.

Create a separate client account (the form can be downloaded here)


If the deceased has securities to be sold or transferred, please fill out the following information:

Once the sale has been completed, what do you want to do with the proceeds?

Note: We will automatically close the custody account if you sell all securities.

 An account number must consist of 10 digits. Use zero in front if you need to provide an account number with fewer digits.

When you receive securities transferred to a custody in your name, you have to notify/report your price on securities to tax-authorities. Information should be given to Tax on their webpage under “Tast selv”.

Please state the custody account to which the securities should be transferred.

Please provide:
• Recipient’s custody account number and 5-digit CD ident (contact the bank if you do not know the CD identification no.)
• The name and surname of the recipient
• The name of the recipient’s bank
• Information, where relevant, on allocation of securities to individual beneficiaries
Note that shares cannot be divided into fractions.

Acquisition rates and dates:
• This information is only relevant if net worth of the estate (assets – liabilities) exceed DKK 3.033.700 (2021).
• If net worth of the estate is under DKK 3.033.700 (2021) and SKAT has requested acquisition rates and dates, we ask you to attach documentation for this.

Please see the Danish Ministry of Taxation’s amount limits for tax exemption:


If the deceased has made a will and does not leave behind spouse or children, please send us a copy of the will so that we can process the pension schemes of the estate.


Please remember to attach a budget or property valuation, if any, using the Attach function at the bottom of this form.


 Please confirm

You can upload up to 10 documents, but note that the maximum file size is 4 MB.

We accept the following formats: Word: .docx/.doc; Excel: .xlsx/.xls; PDF; text: .txt; image: .jpeg/.jpg/.png or .gif.

When you click Send, you agree to sending your information to Danske Bank.

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Read more about how we process personal data in our Privacy Policy

If you need help filling out the fields in the form or have questions about the content in the form, feel free to contact us during weekdays on +45 45 13 93 33.

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