Interest rates for personal customers

We have introduced positive interest rates 
Since 1 October 2022, we have removed negative interest rates and introduced positive rates on selected personal customer account types. Read more

 Terms until 1 October 2022

On 1 August 2022, we change the variable interest rate on personal customer deposits from minus 0.70% p.a. to minus 0.20% p.a. This means that, as a personal customer, you will pay less interest on deposits in your accounts. 

The variable interest rate on cash deposits related to pension schemes will change to minus 0.19% p.a. for amounts exceeding DKK 100,000. 

The variable interest rate on deposits denominated in euros will change to 0.00% p.a.

We are making the change as a consequence, among other things, of the Danish central bank’s rate hike on 21 July 2022. 

Thresholds for payment of negative interest:

  • DKK 100,000 if you have your NemKonto account with us
  • DKK 0 if you do not have your NemKonto account with us

If you pay negative interest, the full interest amount for all of your deposit accounts is charged to one of the accounts. 

Which accounts are subject to negative interest rates?

Generally, accounts in which you as a customer can deposit funds are subject to negative interest rates. However, certain types of accounts are exempted from negative interest rates. This applies to a number of accounts for children, such as Pondus accounts, child savings accounts and Min Konto accounts, as well as special accounts used for home purchases and sales, and accounts holding compensation amounts that are protected from creditor claims.

Accounts - negative interest       Accounts – exempted

Negative interest on pension accounts

You must pay negative interest on all pension accounts with us with cash deposits exceeding DKK 100,000 – also cash deposits in the form of returns on assets in custody accounts. 

For pension accounts, negative interest amounts are charged separately to each account, and the money does not count towards the threshold for the charging of negative interest on your other accounts.

The following pension savings are not subject to negative interest rates:

  • Pension funds invested in assets held in custody accounts
  • Pension accounts linked to Puljeinvest, Danske Porteføljepleje Pension or Merchant Formuepleje

Do you need advice about your options?

You are always welcome to write to us via Danske Mobile Banking or Danske eBanking, to call us or to book a meeting with us.

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