Why are we asking for proof of identity?

Preventing and fighting financial crime are two essential tasks that every responsible financial institution must perform. 

That is why we at Danske Bank have both an obligation and a commitment to comply with Danish and international anti-money laundering legislation and regulations and to fight money laundering and fraud against banks and customers. 

Among other things, this means that we continuously update our knowledge of our customers and their use of our products and services, carefully monitor transactions and cooperate closely with authorities in and outside Denmark.

Remember to upload your ID in Mobile Banking

Have you received our message regarding uploading your ID in Mobile Banking? If so, go to Mobile Banking to upload. 

What specifically does this mean for you?

If we do not already have a copy of your proof of identity, we will contact you.

When we contact you, we will tell you what type of proof of identity we need – and how to send it to us.

Graphic of man and woman sitting at desk

We also need to know how you use our products and services.

We need to ensure that the information we have about our customers is always up to date. Consequently, we may contact you to ask you to help us update the information we have about you. Things we may ask about include:

  • Which of our products and services do you expect to use?
  • What are your expectations regarding payments made to and from your account?
  • Do you plan, for example, on making cash deposits to your account or transferring money to other countries?

What will we use the information about you for?

When we know you – and all of our other customers – we are better able to:

  • Combat money laundering, the financing of terrorism and other financial crime.
  • Assist Danish and foreign tax authorities.
Graphic of woman sitting at desk with computer
Graphic of family and dog

Who is required to provide proof of identity?

All of our customers – both new and existing.

You may be asked to provide proof of identity in various situations, such as when you make a transaction at the cashier’s desk at one of our branches or via a message in Danske Mobile Banking or Danske eBanking.

Questions & Answers

Do you have any questions?

We are ready to answer any questions you may have.

Please call us on

+45 70 118 040

Weekdays from 8.30am to 5pm

Enjoy all the benefits.
Become a Danske Bank customer.

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