As a Danske Bank customer, you can save money on a property transaction, regardless of whether you are buying or selling. Because we offer you a voucher, which you can use if you select home to help you with your purchase or sale.

The voucher is valid for one year. 

A voucher of DKK 1,000 when you choose home Køberrådgivning (Buyer Advisory Services)

If you choose home Buyer Advisory Services, we will give you a voucher for DKK 1,000. home Buyer Advisory Services offers you the assistance of a professional adviser in the same way as a seller is assisted by an estate agent. The voucher can be used to pay for home Buyer Advisory Services.

Voucher of DKK 5,000 when you sell your home

If you sell your home through a home estate agent, we give you a voucher for DKK 5,000, which you can use to pay the fee and marketing costs at home estate agents. 

This offer entered into force on 1 April 2017. 

The voucher is valid for one year and must be presented in connection with the initial contact with home before you sign the listing agreement.

The voucher value is redeemed when you have sold your home or have used home Buyer Advisory Services.

Order your voucher by calling us on 70 25 11 22

Find your nearest home estate agent at

The voucher is just one of the many benefits that you will enjoy if you register for Danske Bank’s customer programme.

View the benefits as a Danske Bank customer