Secure online shopping

When you shop online, you will have to authenticate your card payments.
The easiest solution is to use the MitID app for authentication.

To minimise the risk of card fraud, there are requirements to the authentication of payments when you shop online using your card.

This means that you have to authenticate your online purchases using either
  •  MitID
  • a personal password of your own choice and a one-time password sent by text message

You risk not being able to complete your purchases if you do not have MitID or a personal password ready for use.

Read more about the new EU requirements for online card payments on (in Danish only).

Use the MitID app, MitID code display or MitID audio code reader
We recommend that you use the MitID app to authenticate online purchases, but you can also use the MitID code display or MitID audio code reader.
How to get the MitID app.

Children can get MitID when they reach the age of 13. You can read more about it on

Do you not have the option of MitID authentication?
As an alternative to MitID, you can authenticate payments using a personal password and a one-time password sent by text message.

The boxes below show you how to create a personal password and how to link your mobile phone number to your Visa/Dankort card or your Mastercard. You can then receive one-time passwords by text message each time you shop online.
Children under the age of 13 can use only this solution, as they cannot have a MitID.

Requirement for personal password when you make card payments in an app
If you use your card to make a payment in an app, it is not always possible to use MitID. Instead, you authenticate the payment using a personal password and a one-time password received by text message. So it may be a good idea to create a personal password, as you otherwise risk not being able to complete your purchases. Read the guide to find out how.


Personal password:
Create, edit or reactivate a personal password for your Visa/Dankort card on
Use MitID for logon.

Read how to do it

Mobile phone number:
You can link your mobile phone number to your Visa/Dankort card on
If you have more than one Visa/Dankort card, you can link them all to the same mobile phone number.

The one-time password is sent to your mobile phone in connection with the purchase.

Your personal password must be updated each time you get a new card.

– also for Pocket Money

Personal password:
Create, edit or reactivate a personal password for your Mastercard on
To log on to the website, you need your MitID. If you do not have MitID, you need a temporary PIN for your first logon.
You order the PIN by calling us on 70 123 456, and it is sent to you by physical post.

Read how to do it

Mobile phone number:
You can link your mobile phone number to your Mastercard by adding it in Danske eBanking or Danske Mobile Banking under Contact details or by calling us to provide the number.
If you have more than one card, they can all be linked to the same mobile phone number. If you also have a corporate card, you can add your corporate mobile phone number.

The one-time password is sent to your mobile phone in connection with the purchase.

Questions & answers about online shopping

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    Main number

    +45 70 123 456
    • Contact us Feel free to contact us 24 hours a day

      On weekdays between 9pm and 9am as well as on holidays between 4pm and 10am, we answer calls mainly concerning the blocking of cards and fraud suspicion.
      More contact numbers.

      When you call us or we call you, conversations may be recorded and stored for documentation and security purposes. Information about how we process personal data is available here.
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