Card limits

See how much you can withdraw on your card at ATMs and spend in stores.

  • Visa/Dankort in Denmark

    How much cash you can withdraw on your Visa/Dankort is determined by the card spending limits. How much cash you can withdraw varies, depending on whether you use Danske Bank’s ATMs during or outside opening hours and whether you use ATMs of other banks.

    See terms and conditions and fees for Visa/Dankort cards (pdf)

    The spending limit on your card depends on whether you pay using the Dankort or the Visa part of the card. Dankort has no maximum so long as the amount is available in your account.

    For Visa, there is a 30-day spending limit of DKK 25,000. This applies regardless of whether you use the card abroad, online or at a store in Denmark. This is not always easy to determine when you shop online, as the site can be foreign even when everything on the site is in Danish.

    You can see the spending limits for each individual card in Danske Mobile Banking and Danske eBanking.

    What you do in Danske Mobile Banking

    • Log on to Danske Mobile Banking
    • Tap ‘Cards’ in the top menu
    • Tap the desired card on the list
    • Tap ‘Card settings’
    • Tap ‘Spending limits’. Here you can see the limits for how much you can withdraw on the card per day and per month from ATMs and spend in stores.

    What you do in Danske eBanking

    • Log onto eBanking and go directly to 'Card overview'
    • Click the function arrow next to the desired card and select ‘Details’
    • Select the tab: ‘Card limits’. Here you can see the limits for how much you can withdraw on the card per day and per month from ATMs and spend in stores.

  • Visa/Dankort cards abroad

    How much cash you can withdraw on your Visa/Dankort is determined by the card spending limits. The limits are lower abroad than in Denmark.

    See terms and conditions and fees for Visa/Dankort cards (pdf)

    When abroad, you always pay using the Visa part of the card. Here, a 30-day spending limit of DKK 25,000 applies, regardless of how much money is in the account. Please note that a purchase from a foreign website will also be charged to the Visa part of the card. Hotel bookings, for example, will often be charged to the Visa part, as the business behind the site may not be based in Denmark, even if the website looks Danish.

    Your purchases will also always be charged to the Visa part if you use Apple Pay abroad.
  • Mastercard

    How much cash you can withdraw on your Mastercard is determined by the card limits. The card limits are the same, regardless of whether you want to withdraw money in Denmark or abroad. However, when abroad, you should be aware that there may be local limits on the amount you can withdraw.

    For Mastercard Platinum, Gold or Basis, the agreed credit maximum determines how much you can spend via the card. It could be DKK 25,000, for example, and your Mastercard account will always show how much you have available. Your balance is the amount you have spent, with the amount available being your credit maximum less the balance (and any pre-authorised amounts).

    With Mastercard Direct or the debit function on a credit card, you can spend up to DKK 30,000 per day - so long as the money is available in your account.

    You can see the limits for each individual card in Danske eBanking or Danske Mobile Banking.

    What you do in Danske Mobile Banking

    • Log on to Danske Mobile Banking
    • Tap ‘Cards’ in the top menu
    • Tap your card
    • Tap ‘Card settings’
    • Tap ‘Spending limits’. Select Credit or Debit
    • You can now see the limits for how much you can withdraw on the card per day and per month from ATMs and spend in stores.

    What you do in Danske eBanking

    • Log onto eBanking and go directly to ‘Card overview’
    • Click the function arrow next to the desired card and select ‘Details’
    • Select the tab: ‘Card limits’
    • You can now see the limits for how much you can withdraw on the card per day and per month from ATMs and spend in stores.

  • Change limits for cash withdrawals

    If you want a different limit for the amount you can withdraw from ATMs per day using your card, you can change it yourself.

    The card limit is the highest amount you can spend using your card. Some limits are fixed, while you can adjust others yourself within certain general limits.
    Please note that card limits can be determined individually for Credit and Debit and for time periods: Weekdays from 9.00am to 6.00pm and other time periods.

    What you do in Danske Mobile Banking

    • Log on to Danske Mobile Banking
    • Tap ‘Cards’ in the top menu
    • Tap your card
    • Tap ‘Card settings’
    • Tap ‘Spending limits’
    • Tap the spending limit you wish to change.
    • Tap ‘OK’.

    The change comes into force immediately.
    Note that the change applies only to ATM withdrawals.

    What you do in Danske eBanking

    • Log onto eBanking and go directly to ‘Card overview’
    • Click the function arrow next to the desired card and select ‘Details’
    • Select the tab: ‘Card limits’
    • You can now see the limits for how much you can withdraw on the card per day and per month from ATMs and spend in stores.

    The change comes into force immediately.
    Note that the change applies only to ATM withdrawals.

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    You can always order a non-binding meeting with one of our advisers.

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    +45 70 123 456
    • Contact us Feel free to contact us 24 hours a day

      On weekdays between 9pm and 9am as well as on holidays between 4pm and 10am, we answer calls mainly concerning the blocking of cards and fraud suspicion.
      More contact numbers.

      When you call us or we call you, conversations may be recorded and stored for documentation and security purposes. Information about how we process personal data is available here.
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