Garantityper: beskrivelse og eksempel

  • Tilbud
    Tilbudsgarantien sikrer importøren en erstatning, hvis eksportøren misligholder sine forpligtelser som tilbudsgiver under en licitation. Ofte er en tilbudsgaranti en betingelse for, at tilbuddet kommer i betragtning. Tilbudsgarantien er typisk på 2-5 procent af kontraktsummen.

  • Arbejds- eller leverance
    Arbejds- eller leverancegarantien sikrer importøren en erstatning, hvis eksportøren ikke opfylder sine forpligtelser. Det kan f.eks. dreje sig om leveringsforpligtelser eller om funktions- og kvalitetsmæssige forpligtelser i den aftalte periode. Denne form for garanti er oftest på 10-20 procent af kontraktens værdi.

  • Forskud
    Forskudsgarantien sikrer importøren tilbagebetaling af et aftalt og betalt forskud, hvis eksportøren ikke overholder de kontraktlige forpligtelser. Forskudsgarantien er typisk på 10-30 procent af kontraktsummen.

  • Tilbageholdelse
    Køber kan tilbageholde en del af kontraktsummen i en bestemt periode efter levering af varerne eller tjenesteydelserne. Eksportøren har her mulighed for at få den fulde kontraktsum udbetalt inden udløb af garantiperioden mod at stille en tilbageholdelsesgaranti, der dækker det beløb, der ellers ville være blevet tilbageholdt.

  • Betaling
    Betalingsgarantien sikrer eksportøren betaling, hvis importøren ikke overholder sine betalingsforpligtelser. Betalingsgarantien kan eventuelt etableres som en påtegning på en veksel, en såkaldt avalpåtegning. I et sådant tilfælde indestår Danske Bank for vekslens betaling.

Alle eksempler er på engelsk

Garantityper eksempel

  • Eksempel på tilbudsgaranti på anfordring

    Name and address of beneficiary


    Type of guarantee: Tender Guarantee

    Guarantee no.:

    The Guarantor: Danske Bank, Copenhagen

    The Applicant: [Name and address of applicant]

    The Beneficiary: [Name and address of beneficiary]

    The Underlying Relationship: The Applicant’s obligation in respect of [Tender no.] covering [description of goods/project]

    Guarantee Amount and currency: 

    Language of any required documents: English

    Form of presentation: Any demand for payment or request for extension under this guarantee must be made via authenticated SWIFT message through your bank confirming that the signatures on your signed written demand are legally binding upon your company.

    Place of presentation: Danske Bank, Trade Finance, Bernstorffsgade 40, DK-1577 Copenhagen V, Denmark, SWIFT: DABADKKK

    Expiry: This guarantee is valid until [expiry date] or such earlier date as the original guarantee document is returned to us.

    As Guarantor, we hereby irrevocably undertake to pay the Beneficiary any amount up to the Guarantee Amount upon presentation of the Beneficiary’s complying demand, in the form of presentation indicated above, stating that the Applicant has not fulfilled its obligations as tenderer in accordance with its bid and in any event by the Beneficiary’s statement, whether in the demand itself or in a separate signed document accompanying or identifying the demand, indicating in what respect the Applicant is in breach of its obligations under the Underlying Relationship.

    Any demand under this Guarantee must be received by us on or before Expiry at the Place for presentation indicated above.

    Unless otherwise defined in the guarantee wording, this guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG) 2010 Revision, ICC Publication no. 758.

    Danske Bank

  • Eksempel på tilbudsgaranti på vilkår

    Name and address of beneficiary


    Guarantee no.
    Date of Expiry

    At the request of [name and address of applicant], we hereby guarantee you irrevocably for the above maximum amount to secure that they fulfil their obligations as tenderer in accordance with their bid [bid no.] covering [description of goods/project].

    If [name of applicant] object to our making payment under the guarantee, we will pay no sum of money before [name of applicant] and you are in agreement, or there is a judicial decision.

    Any demand for payment or request for extension under this guarantee must be made via authenticated SWIFT message through your bank confirming that the signatures on your signed written demand are legally binding upon your company.

    This guarantee is valid until [expiry date] or such earlier date as the original guarantee document is returned to us (the "Expiry Date"). Where we have received no claim on the Expiry Date at the latest, we stand released from our liability under this guarantee.

    We will reduce the guarantee maximum by any such amount, as we have had to pay in order to meet your claim(s) duly made and presented under the guarantee.

    When the guarantee expires, please return this document to us.

    Danske Bank

  • Eksempel på arbejds- eller leverancegaranti på anfordring

    Name and address of beneficiary


    Type of guarantee: Performance Guarantee

    Guarantee no.:

    The Guarantor: Danske Bank, Copenhagen

    The Applicant: [Name and address of applicant]

    The Beneficiary:  [Name and address of beneficiary]

    The Underlying Relationship: The Applicant’s obligation in respect of [order/contract/offer etc.] covering [description of goods/project]

    Guarantee Amount and currency: 

    Language of any required documents: English

    Form of presentation: Any demand for payment or request for extension under this guarantee must be made via authenticated SWIFT message through your bank confirming that the signatures on your signed written demand are legally binding upon your company.

    Place of presentation: Danske Bank, Trade Finance, Bernstorffsgade 40, DK-1577 Copenhagen V, Denmark, SWIFT: DABADKKK

    Expiry: This guarantee is valid until [expiry date] or such earlier date as the original guarantee document is returned to us.

    As Guarantor, we hereby irrevocably undertake to pay the Beneficiary any amount up to the Guarantee Amount upon presentation of the Beneficiary's complying demand, in the form of presentation indicated above, stating that the Applicant has not fulfilled its contractual obligations towards you, and in any event by the Beneficiary's statement, whether in the demand itself or in a separate signed document accompanying or identifying the demand, indicating in what respect the Applicant is in breach of its obligations under the Underlying Relationship.

    Any demand under this Guarantee must be received by us on or before Expiry at the Place for presentation indicated above.

    Unless otherwise defined in the guarantee wording, this guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG) 2010 Revision, ICC Publication no. 758.

    Danske Bank

  • Eksempel på arbejds- eller leverancegaranti på vilkår

    Name and address of beneficiary


    Guarantee no.
    Date of Expiry

    At the request of [name and address of applicant], we hereby guarantee you irrevocably for the above maximum amount to secure that our clients fulfil their obligations to supply [description of goods/project] in accordance with [order/contract/offer etc.].

    If [name of applicant] object to our making payment under the guarantee, we will pay no sum of money before [name of applicant] and you are in agreement, or there is a judicial decision.

    Any demand for payment or request for extension under this guarantee must be made via authenticated SWIFT message through your bank confirming that the signatures on your signed written demand are legally binding upon your company.

    This guarantee is valid until [expiry date] or such earlier date as the original guarantee document is returned to us (the "Expiry Date"). Where we have received no claim on the Expiry Date at the latest, we stand released from our liability under this guarantee.

    We will reduce the guarantee maximum by any such amount, as we have had to pay in order to meet your claim(s) duly made and presented under the guarantee.

    When the guarantee expires, please return this document to us.

    Danske Bank

  • Eksempel på forskudsgaranti på anfordring

    Name and address of beneficiary


    Type of guarantee: Advance Payment Guarantee

    Guarantee no.:

    The Guarantor: Danske Bank, Copenhagen

    The Applicant: [Name and address of applicant]

    The Beneficiary: [Name and address of beneficiary]

    The Underlying Relationship: The Applicant’s obligation in respect of [order/contract/offer etc.] covering [description of goods/project].

    Guarantee Amount and currency:

    Language of any required documents: English

    Form of presentation: Any demand for payment or request for extension under this guarantee must be made via authenticated SWIFT message through your bank confirming that the signatures on your signed written demand are legally binding upon your company.

    Place of presentation: Danske Bank, Trade Finance, Bernstorffsgade 40, DK-1577 Copenhagen V, Denmark, SWIFT: DABADKKK

    Expiry: This guarantee is valid until [expiry date] or such earlier date as the original guarantee document is returned to us.

    Our guarantee will come into force when we receive the said advance payment for credit of account no. [account no.] with us.

    As Guarantor, we hereby irrevocably undertake to pay the Beneficiary any amount up to the Guarantee Amount upon presentation of the Beneficiary's complying demand, in the form of presentation indicated above, stating that the Applicant has not fulfilled its contractual obligations towards you, and in any event by the Beneficiary's statement, whether in the demand itself or in a separate signed document accompanying or identifying the demand, indicating in what respect the Applicant is in breach of its obligations under the Underlying Relationship.

    Any demand under this Guarantee must be received by us on or before Expiry at the Place for presentation indicated above.

    Unless otherwise defined in the guarantee wording, this guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG) 2010 Revision, ICC Publication no. 758.

    Danske Bank

  • Eksempel på forskudsgaranti på vilkår

    Name and address of beneficiary


    Guarantee no.
    Date of Expiry

    At the request of [name and address of applicant], we hereby guarantee you irrevocably for the above maximum amount to secure refund of the advance payment that you have made to them in connection with the terms of a contract [order/contract/offer etc.] covering their supply of [description of goods/project].

    Our guarantee will come into force when we receive the said advance payment for credit of account no. [account no.] with us.

    If [name of applicant] object to our making payment under the guarantee, we will pay no sum of money before [name of applicant] and you are in agreement, or there is a judicial decision.

    Any demand for payment or request for extension under this guarantee must be made via authenticated SWIFT message through your bank confirming that the signatures on your signed written demand are legally binding upon your company.

    This guarantee is valid until [expiry date] or such earlier date as the original guarantee document is returned to us (the "Expiry Date"). Where we have received no claim on the Expiry Date at the latest, we stand released from our liability under this guarantee.

    We will reduce the guarantee maximum by any such amount, as we have had to pay in order to meet your claim(s) duly made and presented under the guarantee.

    When the guarantee expires, please return this document to us.

    Danske Bank
  • Eksempel på tilbageholdelsesgaranti på anfordring


    Name and address of beneficiary


    Type of guarantee: Retention Guarantee

    Guarantee no.:

    The Guarantor: Danske Bank, Copenhagen

    The Applicant: [Name and address of applicant]

    The Beneficiary: [Name and address of beneficiary]

    The Underlying Relationship: The Applicant’s obligation in respect of [order/contract/offer etc.] covering [description of goods/project]

    Guarantee Amount and currency:

    Language of any required documents: English

    Form of presentation: Any demand for payment or request for extension under this guarantee must be made via authenticated SWIFT message through your bank confirming that the signatures on your signed written demand are legally binding upon your company.

    Place of presentation: Danske Bank, Trade Finance, Bernstorffsgade 40, DK-1577 Copenhagen V, Denmark, SWIFT: DABADKKK

    Expiry: This guarantee is valid until [expiry date] or such earlier date as the original guarantee document is returned to us.

    Our guarantee will come into force when we receive payment of [guarantee amount] for credit of account no. [account no.] with us.

    As Guarantor, we hereby irrevocably undertake to pay the Beneficiary any amount up to the Guarantee Amount upon presentation of the Beneficiary's complying demand, in the form of presentation indicated above, stating that the Applicant has not fulfilled its warranty obligations towards you, and in any event by the Beneficiary's statement, whether in the demand itself or in a separate signed document accompanying or identifying the demand, indicating in what respect the Applicant is in breach of its obligations under the Underlying Relationship.

    Any demand under this Guarantee must be received by us on or before Expiry at the Place for presentation indicated above.

    Unless otherwise defined in the guarantee wording, this guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG) 2010 Revision, ICC Publication no. 758.

    Danske Bank


  • Eksempel på tilbageholdelsesgaranti på vilkår

    Name and address of beneficiary


    Guarantee no.
    Date of Expiry

    We are informed by our clients [name and address of applicant] that they have entered into a contract with you covering [description of goods/project] in accordance with [order/contract/offer etc.].

    We are furthermore informed that the balance due to [name of applicant] will be paid to them against a retention bond.

    In consideration hereof we hereby guarantee you irrevocably for the above maximum amount to secure that our clients fulfil their warranty obligations towards you.

    Our guarantee will come into force when we receive the said amount, under reference to this guarantee, for placement at the free disposal of [name of applicant].

    If [name of applicant] object to our making payment under the guarantee, we will pay no sum of money before [name of applicant] and you are in agreement, or there is a judicial decision.

    Any demand for payment or request for extension under this guarantee must be made via authenticated SWIFT message through your bank confirming that the signatures on your signed written demand are legally binding upon your company.

    This guarantee is valid until [expiry date] or such earlier date as the original guarantee document is returned to us (the "Expiry Date"). Where we have received no claim on the Expiry Date at the latest, we stand released from our liability under this guarantee.

    We will reduce the guarantee maximum by any such amount, as we have had to pay in order to meet your claim(s) duly made and presented under the guarantee.

    When the guarantee expires, please return this document to us.

    Danske Bank 

  • Eksempel på betalingsgaranti på anfordring

    Name and address of beneficiary


    Type of guarantee: Payment Guarantee

    Guarantee no.:

    The Guarantor: Danske Bank, Copenhagen

    The Applicant: [Name and address of applicant]

    The Beneficiary: [Name and address of beneficiary]

    The Underlying Relationship: The Applicant's obligation in respect of [order/contract/offer etc.] covering [description of goods/project]

    Guarantee Amount and currency:

    Language of any required documents: English

    Form of presentation: Any demand for payment or request for extension under this guarantee must be made via authenticated SWIFT message through your bank confirming that the signatures on your signed written demand are legally binding upon your company.

    Place of presentation: Danske Bank, Trade Finance, Bernstorffsgade 40, DK-1577 Copenhagen V, Denmark, SWIFT: DABADKKK

    Expiry: This guarantee is valid until [date of expiry] or such earlier date as the original guarantee document is returned to us.

    As Guarantor, we hereby irrevocably undertake to pay the Beneficiary any amount up to the Guarantee Amount upon presentation of the Beneficiary's complying demand, in the form of presentation indicated above, stating that the Applicant has not fulfilled its payment obligations towards you, and in any event by the Beneficiary's statement, whether in the demand itself or in a separate signed document accompanying or identifying the demand, indicating in what respect the Applicant is in breach of its obligations under the Underlying Relationship.

    Any demand under this Guarantee must be received by us on or before Expiry at the Place for presentation indicated above.

    Unless otherwise defined in the guarantee wording, this guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG) 2010 Revision, ICC Publication no. 758.

    Danske Bank

  • Eksempel på betalingsgaranti på vilkår

    Name and address of beneficiary


    Guarantee no.
    Date of Expiry

    At the request of [Name and address of applicant], we hereby guarantee you irrevocably for the above maximum amount to secure that our clients pay you for [description of goods/project] in accordance with [order/contract/offer etc.].

    If [name of applicant] object to our making payment under the guarantee, we will pay no sum of money before [name of applicant] and you are in agreement, or there is a judicial decision.

    Any demand for payment or request for extension under this guarantee must be made via authenticated SWIFT message through your bank confirming that the signatures on your signed written demand are legally binding upon your company.

    This guarantee is valid until [expiry date] or such earlier date as the original guarantee document is returned to us (the "Expiry Date"). Where we have received no claim on the Expiry Date at the latest, we stand released from our liability under this guarantee.

    We will reduce the guarantee maximum by any such amount, as we have had to pay in order to meet your claim(s) duly made and presented under the guarantee.

    When the guarantee expires, please return this document to us.

    Danske Bank

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