Your Mastercard from Danske Bank is protected by automatic geoblocking. So the card is normally active only on one continent at a time – where you are when you use it. Generally, your card is therefore active only in Denmark and for online purchases (this applies to all cards from 17 September 2018) until you use it in another country with both the chip and your PIN*. So you need not do anything to activate or deactivate the card.

If you do not use the chip and your PIN, you must activate the card yourself
As an added security measure, if you are abroad and is asked to use the magnetic stripe or your signature instead of the PIN, you must first have activated use of the card in that part of the world yourself. You can easily do so via Danske Mobile Banking or Danske eBanking on the Cards and geoblocking menu.

*Contactless payment combined with the PIN also activates the card

• You travel from Denmark to Asia: 
When you arrive in Asia and use your Mastercard for the first time with the chip and PIN, the card is automatically activated for use there. At the same time, the card is deactivated for use on all other continents.

• You travel from Asia back to Denmark: 
When you return to Denmark and use your Mastercard with the chip and PIN, the card is automatically activated for use there. At the same time, the card is deactivated for use on all other continents.

Do we have your mobile phone number?
If we have your mobile phone number, you get a text message the first time the card is used and activated on a new continent. You also get a text message if your purchase is rejected because there is an attempt to use the card without the PIN in a blocked area.
So it is a good idea to check that we have the right mobile phone number. Just use Danske eBanking or Mobile Banking:

• Danske eBanking: Click About Danske eBanking and then click Personal data under Settings.
• In Danske Mobile Banking: Tap the small cogwheel in the bottom right-hand corner and then select Personal data. 

• If you have Danske Mobile Banking NEW, tap Profile and then Contact information.

You can set geoblocking yourself 
In Danske eBanking and Mobile Banking, you can, for limited periods, select on which continents and in which categories you want to use your card. You can also block the card for online purchases. Changes take effect immediately. See how to do it in this video:
