Danish banks are required to identify and register whether a customer is tax resident (that is, fully tax liable) in a country/countries other than Denmark. Please therefore inform us of the country or countries in which you are tax resident. We also need your tax identification number (TIN).

A person is generally tax resident in the country in which he or she lives or spends more than 183 days per 12-month period. In some countries, a person may be considered to be tax resident even though the person is stationed in another country – for example if the person maintains a home or has his or her family in the country. You may be liable to pay tax in the US, for example, because you were born there, have US citizenship or have a work permit there (known as a Green Card).

You must choose one
You must choose one
You must choose one

Attach files

Below you can attach your files. You can attach up to 10 files and they should be in the format Word/docx/doc, Excel/xlsx/xls, Pdf, Tekst/txt, Jpeg/jpg, Png eller Gif.
Please note that a file must not exceed 4 MB, and the file name must not exceed 24 characters, including spaces.

Press "Upload" to search for your files. You can only select one file at a time, and it may take a few seconds for the file to upload.
Press "Send" once you've uploaded all your files.

Vær opmærksom på, at en fil højst må fylde 4 MB. Teknisk fejl, prøv igen senere.

Få alle fordelene i dag. Bliv kunde i Danske Bank.

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